John Michael Higgins

The Legend of Korra - 2/5

This show starts off by making some interesting updates and changes to the established worldbuilding, but quickly loses its way. The characters are almost exclusively terrible and annoying, and the underlying world view the show is promoting is pretty toxic; the men are useless, bumbling idiots, the women are brilliant and effortlessly talented. Apart from a few interesting moments and story beats, it’s not worth watching.

Closest comparison: It’s like Avatar: The Last Airbender rewritten by the makers of Skull Island (2023).

Setting: Fantasy
Plot: Adventure
Tone: Comedy

Blade: Trinity - 2/5

This movie starts out as a competent action movie but ends up turning in circles and losing its way. The Dracula thread is fumbled to the point of being boring, which is impressive in its own right but not in a good way. There are some good action scenes, but the second act turnaround feels abrupt and unearned. There’s a distinct Joss Whedon knock-off vibe in some of the quirky character concepts, but with no development it falls flat.

Closest comparison: It’s like Buffy: The Vampire Slayer by way of Iron Man 2.

Setting: Post-Noir Goth
Plot: Super Hero
Tone: Action