M. Emmet Walsh

Blood Simple - 3/5

This movie is a decent modern crime thriller, with a surprisingly effective antagonist and some great suspenseful scenes. Unfortunately, some other scenes are drawn out so long they fall flat and there are one or two comebacks characters make that are so unbelievable that it undercuts the stakes of the film. Nevertheless, it’s a bold entry into the noir genre and definitely worth a watch for those who don’t mind subject matter that gets a bit gritty.

Closest comparison: It’s like No Country for Old Men by way of Fargo.

Setting: Noir
Plot: Crime
Tone: Thriller

Best of Times (1986) - 3/5

This is a best friends dramedy disguised as a sports movie. Kurt Russell and Robin Williams are obviously great, and carry the film despite its lackluster setup. There are some fun moments but for the most part it’s a by-the-numbers buddy drama with a healthy heaping helping of comedy all throughout.

Closest comparison: It’s like Tommy Boy by way of Friday Night Lights.

Setting: Small Town Drama
Plot: Sports
Tone: Dramedy