Jon Polito

Batman: Year One - 3/5

This movie is more grounded addition to the Batman mythology, a less fantastical prequel than many of the other entries. The story is solid and straightforward, pretty much what anyone with any knowledge of Batman would expect at this point, but with all the crazy interpretations out there it’s nice to have a standard by which to measure.

Closest comparison: It’s like The Batman by way of The Long Halloween.

Setting: Noir
Plot: Crime
Tone: Super hero

Miller's Crossing - 5/5

This is the kind of movie that you have to pay close attention to, because if you miss a line you very well may be lost for the rest of the run time. But because of the intricate nature of the backstabbing mafia plot the dialogue makes the audience pay just as close attention as the characters, constantly wondering what is doublespeak, and where each person’s loyalties truly lie. Most movies and shows try to accomplish this with invented drama but here it’s all mechanical, reliant on tangible necessities not fabricated strife. The Coen Brothers are in top form here, with dialogue so rich they had to tone it down in future movies to appeal to a wider audience.

Closest comparison: It’s like The Godfather that’s not trying to win an Oscar, with two mobs for the price of one.

Setting: Gangster
Plot: Thriller
Tone: Drama