Jim Jarmusch

Dead Man - 3/5

This is a somber, slow western that’s more wistful than it is profound. It’s strange and episodic, winding its narrative lazily along until it peters out unceremoniously. For all of its problems, however, it’s curiously fascinating and hard to look away from the bizarre journey.

Closest comparison: It’s like The Ballad of Buster Scruggs by way of Meek’s Cutoff.

Setting: Western
Plot: Chase
Tone: Stoner

The Dead Don't Die - 3/5

This is a weird, slow movie that suffers from bland ad-lib dialogue. The first half is great: methodical setup, dry humor with measured delivery, and several interesting plot threads to investigate. Unfortunately, some of the plot threads go nowhere and the ones that do end not just strangely but often unsatisfactorily. Still, it kept me interested and chuckling for most of the runtime and although not all of the humor lands, much of it does for the zombie-movie-loving crowd.

Content warning: Gore

Closest comparison: This is a slow, strange homage to older B horror films like Night of the Living Dead and Plan 9 From Outer Space.

Setting: Zombies
Plot: Action Adventure
Tone: Dry Comedy