David Suchet

Executive Decision - 4/5

This movie is a delectable ‘90s action thriller that is criminally overlooked compared to its peers. It has solid action and great tension, everything an action movie needs. The ensemble cast has great chemistry and some of the surprises are downright outstanding.

Closest comparison: It’s like The Rock by way of Air Force One.

Setting: Action
Plot: Action
Tone: Thriller

Iron Eagle - 3/5

This movie is a teen knockoff of the Top Gun formula, using high school prank antics in place of training montages and young pluck in place of expertise. It’s a fun ‘80s teen movie that takes itself about as seriously as any adventure movie of the era. The suspension of disbelief will likely be too much for some viewers, but the film obeys its own rules for the most part and delivers neither more nor less than it promises.

Closest comparison: It’s like Top Gun if it were directed by John Hughes.

Setting: Military
Plot: Rescue
Tone: High School