Dave Franco

21 Jump Street (2012) - 3/5

This movie is an effective comedy with good laughs and a solid plot. It has fun with the jock-dork stereotypes and subversion of their dynamics that is endearing instead of sardonic. I can’t speak to how well it adapts the source material; it stands well on its own, though I don’t think it has the staying power to be considered great.

Closest comparison: It’s like Donnie Brasco by way of Superbad.

Setting: High School Comedy
Plot: Detective
Tone: Buddy Cop

6 Underground (Netflix) - 3/5

This movie is Michael Bay rendition of the old Mission Impossible TV show, with all that that entails. It has huge setpieces and exciting action, an easy-to-follow plot and a camera that ogles the women in various states of undress. Car chases, parkour, explosions, one-liners; it’s 90’s action filmmaking turned up to 11. Everything’s very colorful, with lots of gorgeous shots despite a few shaky close-ups. It’s style over substance for better and worse.

Content warnings: sex, mild gore

Closest comparison: It’s like the Mission Impossible TV show (1966) as reimagined by Michael Bay.

Setting: Action
Plot: Action
Tone: Action

Warm Bodies (2013) - 3/5

This is a hilarious take on both the zombie and rom com genres, but instead of satirizing the genres themselves it makes a movie solidly in each genre, which itself provides the underlying satirical humor. Beyond that, though, the film is hilarious and has lots of heart to boot. Sure there are zombies eating brains, but it provides the most interesting interpretation for it that I’ve seen, even if it doesn’t make a lot of sense outside the context of the narrative. It’s a solid film, highly recommended for fans of zombie movies and comedies.

Closest comparison: It’s like Romeo and Juliet by way of Dawn of the Dead.

Setting: Zombies
Plot: Romantic Comedy
Tone: Action Comedy