Benjamin Bratt

Skull Island (Season 1, 2023) - 2/5

This show has some great ideas in it, but the characters are too bland and irritating, getting in the way of the impact of the natural mood of the setting. The action and horror are undercut by aloof, wisecracking teenagers the story centers around.

Closest comparison: It’s like Kong: Skull Island by way of a cross between Venture Bros. and Velma (2023).

Setting: Adventure
Plot: Horror
Tone: Comedy

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs - 3/5

This movie makes the most of the starting premise, and though it often reverts to silliness it continually interposes actually funny jokes and meaningful moments. Instead of building up the whole movie to finally delivering on the title, instead they end the first act with the titular food-from-clouds motif and take the rest of the movie looking at the socioeconomic impact it would have on the locale. There’s a much smarter undercurrent then the facade would suggest, though that superficial layer is distractingly silly at times.

Closest comparison: It’s Phil Lord and Christopher Miller getting their feet under them before heading off to make The Lego Movie and Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.

Setting: Sci-fi
Plot: Action Thriller
Tone: Screwball Comedy