The Nutcracker and the Four Realms - 2/5

It’s unfortunate that this didn’t have a better script, because for the most part the costume and set design are gorgeous. So much care and effort was clearly taken to make everything look amazing, and it does. It feels like Tim Burton by way of Joe Johnston, and even gets perfect creepy at one point, though not scary enough to frighten older children or teens. But the witing is vapid and the story is empty, and much of the acting is painfully stilted. The characters are caracatures, not behaving internally consistently but instead doing and saying whatever the plot needs them to in order to progress the story. There’s a surprising amount of ballet in this movie as well; it’s not enough for ballet lovers, though, and too much for ballet indifferents. All in all, it’s a beautiful mess and not worth your time.

Closest comparison: Alice in Wonderland (Tim Burton, 2010)