
A Streetcar Named Desire - 2/5

This is a confused movie, with each of the characters being either detestable or impotent, and often both. It’s meandering and vague, which makes its pointless ending an insult to the audience’s time and intelligence. The film tries to convey solidarity through compassion for the main character, but only succeeds in eliciting scornful pity as her villainy is revealed through the film. The only redeeming feature of this story is its tragically poetic dialogue, which is beautiful but falls flat without a meaningful story to tell.

Closest comparison: It’s like Gone With the Wind by way of Sunset Boulevard.

Setting: Drama
Plot: Tragedy
Tone: Tragedy

Burnt by the Sun (1994) - 4/5

This movie is a grounded look at the joys of rural family life and the sobering wickedness that lies just below the surface of socialism. The story rambles in an endearing, true-to-life sort of way, and allows the audience to get acquainted with the family to drive home the impact of the ending. It’s indie-level production values actually add to the quaint setting, embodying the feel of provincial Russia in the 1930’s. This is a moving film and does a good job depicting an important piece of history that has unfortunately become relevant again.

Closest comparison: It’s like It’s A Wonderful Life by way of Schindler’s List.

Setting: Rural Drama
Plot: Family Tragedy
Tone: Heartwarming Comedy

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007) - 4/5

This movie is too gruesome and (at times) sordid to be a general crowd pleaser, but for its target audience it’s a perennial favorite. The music is carefully crafted ear-worm ditties that are a delight to have stuck in your head for weeks. The sets and costuming are beautifully filthy, and the story is conveyed with heartbreakingly gorgeous aplomb. If you can stomach the bloody nature of the premise you’re in for a moving and inexplicably funny time.

Content warning: blood, sexual assault

Closest comparison: It’s like From Hell (2001) by way of Phantom of the Opera (2004).

Setting: Gothic Horror
Plot: Revenge
Tone: Tragedy Thriller