
Okja (Netflix) - 1/5

This film is a disgusting propaganda piece with excellent production values. It launches an avalanche of buzzword premises that are arguable at best, and then draws exclusively a priori conclusions. None of the protagonists are particularly likable and the antagonists are over-the-top caricatures of imaginary villains. There’s no substance to this movie beyond its overt political statements and those are thoroughly invalid at every level of analysis. Also the special effects are quite good.

Closest comparison: It’s like Mighty Joe Young by way of Meet Your Meat.

Setting: Jet Set Action
Plot: Rescue Adventure
Tone: Tragedy

Bodyguard (Netflix) - 4/5

At first I thought that some of the earlier episodes were too slow to pad the runtime, like many Netflix shows tend to be. But after the turning point about halfway through they started bringing back many points established earlier during the slower parts. Instead of using a political drama to make a political statement, they instead use it to set the stage for the intricate story they’re telling. Usually a movie has to invent shoddy reasons for a character to hide something from his companions, but here the show has time to clearly show who each character is wary of, to what extent, and why.

Closest comparison: It’s like a Tom Clancy movie with the action from one movie stretched out over six episodes.

Setting: Modern
Plot: Thriller
Tone: Drama