Bong Joon Ho

Okja (Netflix) - 1/5

This film is a disgusting propaganda piece with excellent production values. It launches an avalanche of buzzword premises that are arguable at best, and then draws exclusively a priori conclusions. None of the protagonists are particularly likable and the antagonists are over-the-top caricatures of imaginary villains. There’s no substance to this movie beyond its overt political statements and those are thoroughly invalid at every level of analysis. Also the special effects are quite good.

Closest comparison: It’s like Mighty Joe Young by way of Meet Your Meat.

Setting: Jet Set Action
Plot: Rescue Adventure
Tone: Tragedy

Parasite (2019) - 5/5

This is an outstanding film with lots of fascinating subtlety. The cinematography is not only gorgeous but also conveys more about the characters. It has a great musical score that emphasizes the underlying themes and deftly ramps up a creeping sense of dread. The film seems less interested in making a socio-economic statement than it is with crafting a tight thriller that captures audience attention from start to finish.

Closest comparison: It’s the infiltration of The Departed (2006) in the guise of High and Low (1963).

Setting: Family Drama
Plot: Infiltration Heist
Tone: Thriller