Tommy Lee Jones

Black Moon Rising - 2/5

This movie is a misguided attempt at a cool action thriller. It relies moderately on its sense of style, which is distinctly outdated, and some of the brief, darker elements of the plot don’t do the lighthearted tone any favors. Both Tommy Lee Jones and Linda Hamilton are unfortunately miscast here. While both are great in their own respective rights, neither has the raw charisma to carry the plodding narrative despite their best efforts.

Content warning: brief female nudity

Closest comparison: It’s like Enemy of the State by way of Blind Fury.

Setting: Espionage
Plot: Heist
Tone: Action

Ad Astra - 4/5

This movie is very slow, yet constantly engaging. Its gorgeous cinematography accentuates the dichotomy between the claustrophobic ship interiors and the limitless vastness of space. The story nicely mirrors the setting and gives the impression that nothing in this film is accidental. I don’t have the affinity for astronomy that many others do, so a significant percentage of this film’s viewership will likely rate it higher than I have.

Closest comparison: It’s like 2001: A Space Odyssey by way of Arrival (2016).

Setting: Near Future Sci-Fi
Plot: Adventure
Tone: Slow Sci-Fi

Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) - 4/5

I love this movie for its underlying message of being a good person, and the way it cements the character of Steve Rogers so firmly that he remains unchanged for the next 6 films. At least three different actors all deliver scene-stealing performances, and the use of special effects here is kept well in hand. Some of the directing and editing could have been better and as a result some aspects that could have pushed this movie over the edge to a 5/5 were lacking, like the fact that Red Skull doesn’t really get an iconic pose/image/shot or the needless complication of the ‘Kissing the Secretary’ scene. Nevertheless, this remains a very strong entry into the litany of Marvel movies.

Closest comparison: It’s like Letters from Iwo Jima by way of The Rocketeer.

Setting: War
Plot: Super hero
Tone: Adventure