Thomas Jane

Run Hide Fight - 4/5

This is an all-out action thriller, well conceived and smoothly executed. It’s appropriately intense, but instead of using its theme for mere shock value it uses it to amplify its message. The nudity is unnecessary, but thankfully well-telegraphed. Other than that, the movie is hard-hitting with outstanding, visceral acting to deliver the impact. It’s refreshing to see such a grounded story with relatable stakes and a message that isn’t pretentious, but practical.

Content warning: language, violence, female nudity

Closest comparison: It’s like Die Hard by way of Heathers.

Setting: High School Drama
Plot: Action Thriller
Tone: Terror Drama

The Predator (2018) - 3/5

To begin with this could have been a 4/5. It has a solid setup and a few interesting turns initially, but it quickly turns into just another action movie. It has better effects than some of the other installments in this franchise but used to less effect; it’s gorier but not more interesting. It adds a little to the Predator mythos and it’s always fun to see military guys running around trying to fight a powerful alien. The humor is ultimately what carries it this high, with well-paced jokes to keep the audience interested. Unless you’re already a fan of the other movies there’s no reason to watch this over any number of other summer popcorn action flicks.

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