The Kid

The Kid (2019) - 3/5

This is a solid modern western that has a lot going for it. In some ways it’s a mashup of other westerns, but with its own fresh shootouts and getaways. Chris Pratt has an excellent turn as a bone-chilling villain, and Dane DeHaan is clearly having a lot of fun as Billy the Kid. The plot rambles a bit too much and at least one key moment is unearned, with muddled motivation. Sill, this film is definitely worth a watch for fans of Westerns, but it’s not going to bring anyone to the genre.

Content warning: rape

Closet comparison: It’s like The Night of the Hunter by way of 3:10 to Yuma.

Setting: Western
Plot: On the Run
Tone: Thriller

The Kid (1921) - 3/5

I was surprised to find that this is one of Charlie Chaplin’s most famous movies, because it has so little of his trademark comedy. There is comedy, of course, but this is one of his more grounded and almost melancholy movies. The young actor playing the kid is a standout and it’s always fun to see Charlie Chaplin on screen. It’s competently executed and all that, but it’s underwhelming compared to his other works like The Gold Rush, Modern Times, and the Great Dictator.

Closest comparison: It’s like all the other Charlie Chaplin movies, but where less happens.

Setting: ‘Modern’ 1920’s
Plot: Drama
Tone: Drama/Comedy