Michael B. Jordan

Creed II - 3/5

Don’t get me wrong, this is still a good movie. It’s an interesting logical continuation of the story from Creed and is enjoyable to watch. It almost crested to a 4/5, but there are just too many plot points that never go anywhere and missed opportunities to have really great moments. All of the interesting camera work from the first installment is gone and the writing turns the story into a family drama. The acting is still good but without the subsance there’s no reason to see this movie over any other.

Creed (2015) - 5/5

I’m not normally drawn to boxing movies, but there’s nothing to criticize with this one. The story is so strong and the acting is incredible by everyone involved. It’s a very moving, powerful film with a clearly stated central theme and message that avoids being preachy. It avoids the tired manufactured drama of lesser films but lets the story carry itself by the sheer weight of its sincerity. Smartly, the director Ryan Coogler tells the story in a way that the audience doesn’t need to have seen any of the Rocky films to understand everything that’s going on in the story. Absolutely impressive cinematography with more oners than Spielberg and to think about than its predecessors, this film is one of the all-time greats for film snobs and popcorn flick lovers alike.

Black Panther - 4/5

The design in this movie is awesome; it's a pleasure to look at. It's Guardians of the Galaxy-level colorful (if not more), and the costume design is some of the best Marvel's ever put on screen. The fight scenes are choppier than they needed to be, but they're not bad. The message is solid and well delivered, which is difficult to do in such a shaky social and political climate. It's a relief they took the high road.