Luke Wilson

Bottle Rocket - 3/5

This movie is a weaker example of Wes Anderson’s directoral abilities, and holds a strange in-between status. Everything from the plot and dialogue, to the acting and cinematography is nothing special, and Wes Anderson’s distinctive style is muted here, likely because it’s his directoral debut. It’s cute and quirky, but isn’t firing on all cylinders.

Closest comparison: It’s like American Heist by way of Napoleon Dynamite.

Setting: Road Trip
Plot: Heist
Tone: Wes Anderson

Idiocracy - 4/5

This is a straightforward entry in the Dumb Comedy genre, but executed with crisp, satirical wit. It’s a pretty straightforward plot but the comedy domes from the film’s outrageous vision of the future. The predictions are eerily accurate despite their over-the-top implementation in the particulars, and the dialogue is hilarious and instantly quotable. While the sex comedy staples of the genre are present it doesn’t rely on them exclusively, and carves out a niche of its own in cult classic immortality.

Closest comparison: It’s like Encino Man (1992) by way of Dude Where’s My Car (2000), but better than both.

Setting: Time Travel
Plot: Sci-Fi
Tone: Dumb Comedy

Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004) - 4/5

This is one of the top College Comedy-style movies to come out in its decade and has rightly become a classic as a result. The raunchiness isn’t the focus, taking a back seat to situational workplace shenanigans and relying on comedic writing and delivery. Will Ferrell is good but Steve Carell steals the show whenever he’s on screen. It’s an all-out laugh fest that prides itself on its over-the-top antics.

Closest comparison: It’s like Network (1976) by way of Dodgeball (2004).

Setting: Workplace Comedy
Plot: Biographical Drama
Tone: Sketch Comedy