Andrew Wilson

Bottle Rocket - 3/5

This movie is a weaker example of Wes Anderson’s directoral abilities, and holds a strange in-between status. Everything from the plot and dialogue, to the acting and cinematography is nothing special, and Wes Anderson’s distinctive style is muted here, likely because it’s his directoral debut. It’s cute and quirky, but isn’t firing on all cylinders.

Closest comparison: It’s like American Heist by way of Napoleon Dynamite.

Setting: Road Trip
Plot: Heist
Tone: Wes Anderson

Time Trap (2017) - 3/5

This movie is fine. It’s a low budget high concept sci-fi story that’s executed pretty well. There’s less sci-fi than one might expect, and where a sci-fi-heavy movie will explain the science behind the incredible occurrences, Time Trap settles for exploration of the phenomenon without solid answers. It’s a fun rescue adventure movie that doesn’t presume to be anything more and doesn’t outstay its welcome.

Closest comparison: It’s like Parallels (2015) by way of The Cave (2005).

Setting: Exploration
Plot: Rescue
Tone: Sci-Fi Adventure