Lewis Pullman

Bad Times at the El Royale - 3/5

This movie is wonderfully acted conglomeration of characters, each of whom has a sordid past that is slowly revealed over the course of the film. But the draw is the vivid characters chewing the scenery more than anything, and while it starts off very strong the third act is one of the more boring climaxes the screenwriters could have chosen. Still, it’s fun watching the fireworks.

Content warning: brief background nudity

Closest comparison: It’s like if The Hateful Eight were directed by the Coen Brothers.

Setting: Mystery
Plot: Crime
Tone: Thriller

Top Gun: Maverick - 4/5

This movie outshines its predecessor in every way. The plot is solid with outstanding pacing and storytelling. Even the gratuitous shots of jets being jets, which was the main draw of the original, are cleaner shots with smoother tracking in more dynamic locations. It offers a compelling story behind the action façade by doing away with the notion that a sequel needs to be bigger and more bombastic, a lesson the industry sorely needs to learn. If you don’t remember much of the original don’t worry: this film reminds the audience of the important plot points as they become relevant.

Closest comparison: It’s like Top Gun by way of Stealth (2005).

Setting: War
Plot: Spec Ops
Tone: Action