Jennifer Connelly

Top Gun: Maverick - 4/5

This movie outshines its predecessor in every way. The plot is solid with outstanding pacing and storytelling. Even the gratuitous shots of jets being jets, which was the main draw of the original, are cleaner shots with smoother tracking in more dynamic locations. It offers a compelling story behind the action façade by doing away with the notion that a sequel needs to be bigger and more bombastic, a lesson the industry sorely needs to learn. If you don’t remember much of the original don’t worry: this film reminds the audience of the important plot points as they become relevant.

Closest comparison: It’s like Top Gun by way of Stealth (2005).

Setting: War
Plot: Spec Ops
Tone: Action

Alita: Battle Angel - 3/5

There are lots of great part in this film, but it fumbles the ending. The action is a spectacle, giving the audience the roller coaster ride they were promised in the trailers. Christoph Waltz is great in everything and his performance here is no exception; his chemistry with Rosa Salazar carries the emotional core of the film. It has plenty of sci-fi weirdness, and if that aspect isn’t working for you it’s likely going to feel like it just keeps dragging on and on. For everyone else, though, it’s a fun action sci-fi that mostly makes sense.

Closest Comparison: It’s equal parts Blade Runner and The Fifth Element, with a dash of Rollerball and Real Steel thrown into the mix.

Setting: Sci-fi
Plot: Post-Apocalyptic Teen Fiction
Tone: Action