Julian Hilliard

WandaVision (Disney+) - 3/5

Most of the draw of this show was its mystique and intrigue. The premise was so outlandish that it kept the audience in a state of wild speculation during the two months it was coming out. But by the end it neither crashed nor stuck the landing, sticking it in the bottom half of Marvel productions. There’s a lot of content here from a lot of angles so mileage may vary on your enjoyment, but if you like a curiosity definitely check it out.

Closest comparison: It’s like The Twilight Zone by way of Too Many Cooks.

Setting: Sitcom through the decades
Plot: Aftermath
Tone: Sitcom / Super hero

Color Out of Space (2019) - 4/5

This movie is terrifying. The cinematography is gorgeous and while the entire cast really sells their decent into madness, Nicolas Cage is magnificent in his slowly increasing insanity. The plot follows the broad strokes of the original short story by H.P. Lovecraft, bringing it into the 21st century while still remaining true to its cosmic horror roots. It’s beautifully done and a real testament to the indie film scene that a movie of this caliber can come out of it.

Closest comparison: It’s like The Shining by way of Event Horizon.

Setting: Family Drama
Plot: Cosmic Horror
Tone: Body Horror