John Lithgow

Cliffhanger - 3/5

This movie is a solid, stock action movie. It’s eminently watchable, with enough of a plot to keep things moving and exciting action to keep the audience engaged. It has a slow start, but once it gets going it doesn’t slow down. There are a few plot contrivances, but they don’t stray too far from the realm of believability and make for an all around fun time.

Closest comparison: It’s like Vertical Limit by way of Rambo II.

Setting: Survival
Plot: Adventure
Tone: Action

The Accountant - 3/5

This is a perfectly servicable (and forgettable) action movie. With a more gripping script and a method actor in the lead role (think Leonardo DiCaprio), this could have beccome something like the new Jason Bourne franchise. Oh well, still enjoyable and if you're wathing it I'll watch it with you.