Ernest Borgnine

Gattaca - 3/5

This movie is a docutopian thriller, where humanity has legislated and scientifically classified itself into a moral corner. It feels like an Ethan Hawke film, sufficiently art-house and comparable in some regards to Predestination. The plot is more moralistic than it is fun, and the film’s message is apparent very early on with little added beyond the requisite conclusion to those threads. Dystopian sci-fi enthusiasts should definitely check this one out.

Closest comparison: It’s like the bureaucracy of Brazil with the clean futurism of Paycheck. Or, to put it another way, it’s like October Sky by way of Predestination.

Setting: Sci-Fi Drama
Plot: Espionage
Tone: Thriller

Escape from New York - 3/5

This is a classic action movie that doesn’t quite stand up to its own hype. It has a fun aesthetic and a playfully wacky premise, but it ultimately just sort of plods along until it’s over. There aren’t as many quips and setpieces as its contemporaries, and apart from Kurt Russell and Ernest Borgnine there aren’t any interesting or even memorable characters. The sleaze dampens the fun and the grit overshadows the adventure, but it’s still an enjoyable ‘80s action romp.

Closest comparison: It’s like Big Trouble in Little China by way of Judge Dredd (1995).

Setting: Sci-fi Dystopia
Plot: Rescue Adventure
Tone: ‘80s Action