Dennis Farina

Snatch (2000) - 5/5

This movie is crass, dark, crime comedy that is a glorious thing to behold. The script is tightly woven, interconnecting the plot lines with comedic aplomb. Everyone is chewing the scenery at the same time, rising to a hilarious crescendo, each beat right on cue. It’s the quintessential cockney crime comedy, and even after twenty years it hasn’t lost its bite.

Content warning: female nudity, language

Closest comparison: It has the narrative complexity of Crash (2004) crossed with the criminal underground of Shopping (1994).

Setting: Crime
Plot: Thriller
Tone: Dark Screwball Comedy

Thief (1981) - 3/5

This movie is an extensive character drama, much more about the life and times of the man than the thieving he does. The few on-screen heists are shown quickly and efficiently so the story can get back to the main thrust of the narrative. The film has Michael Mann’s signature deep characters, and his direction keeps it not as sleazy as its setting and not as boring as its crime drama plot.

Closest comparison: It’s like Heist (2001) by way of Heat (1995).

Setting: Heist
Plot: Drama
Tone: Crime