Death Becomes Her

Death Becomes Her - 1/5

This is a self-aware black comedy that tries to ham it up but fails miserably. I usually enjoy macabre humor but this was too cheesy, too plastic, too over-the-top corny for me to enjoy. Instead of making jokes about death, it uses uncanny body disfigurement as the punchline without bothering to provide humor to go along with it. None of the actors are making an effort to be charismatic, but instead feel like they’re relying on their fame to carry their performance and expecting the audience to be won over by their mere presence. This is a dud that has rightfully faded into obscurity.

Content warning: partial female nudity

Closest comparison: It’s like Bruce Willis at the height of his narcissistic hubris trying to imitate Tim Burton’s style and failing.

Setting: Tawdry Drama
Plot: Comedy Horror
Tone: Black Comedy