David R. Ellis

Snakes on a Plane - 3/5

Some movies are so bad they’re funny, but this one is in on the joke. It never misses an opportunity to play off of a colorful character or set up an obvious jump scare, but it is careful not to overstay its welcome. It has dodgy CGI but generally covers it up with judicious use of light and shadow. The snakebites are surprisingly brutal for how minor they could have been and the plot is a by-the-numbers witness protection airplane disaster movie, acting only as a backdrop for the fun of the movie to play out against. The heart of the film lies in its comedy value, and that it delivers in spades (especially if you’ve had a drink).

Content warning: female nudity

Closest comparison: It’s like Sharknado by way of Airplane! (1980).

Setting: Action Thriller
Plot: Witness Protection
Tone: Comedy Action