David Keith

The Two Jakes (1990) - 2/5

This movie is a dependent sequel to Chinatown, and you may be somewhat lost unless you have a good recall. It’s not as sordid as its predecessor but it’s also not as gripping, plodding along vaguely until it peters out at the final solution. It retreads many of the superficial beats of the first film, too, using formula as ersatz meaning.

Closest comparison: It’s like The Long Goodbye by way of Chinatown.

Setting: Noir
Plot: Detective
Tone: Detective

Epoch (2001) - 1/5

This movie is hot garbage. The CGI is both dodgy and terrible, even for 2001, the acting is laughable, and it’s all built around a story that isn’t even a good idea in theory. There’s no heart to it, like everyone involved doesn’t want to be making the movie. Could be a good contender for Mystery Science Theater 3000.

Closest comparison: It’s like The Asylum production company’s attempt at an Alien or Arrival type movie.

Setting: Adventure
Plot: Sci-Fi
Tone: Discovery