Cliff Robertson

Escape from L.A. - 3/5

This movie is more of a comedy that its predecessor, though it still has plenty of fun action as well. It’s a bit of a cash grab, trying to recreate the success of the first one with no better ideas than “what if it were in a different city?” But Kurt Russell and John Carpenter are so good at their jobs that the end result is engaging and enjoyable right to the end.

Closest comparison: It’s like Escape from New York by way of Die Another Day.

Setting: Action
Plot: Suicide Mission
Tone: Action

Three Days of the Condor - 3/5

This movie is a slow burn thriller, with a solid central premise and an endearing performance from Robert Redford who sells the everyman nature of his character caught up in all of the deep state goings-on. Unfortunately, the slow burn is too slow for the level of story and audience engagement, and the narrative is over reliant on technology for its solution, which is now very dated. Still, it’s fun to see a thriller that’s not reliant on action but sticks to its main principles throughout the runtime while still delivering an enjoyable, interesting story.

Closest comparison: It’s like a slower, more dated Mission Impossible (1996)

Setting: Spy
Plot: Thriller
Tone: Occasional Action