Chris O'Dowd

Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel - 4/5

This movie nails both the comedy and the sci-fi halves of its script, and provides a shining beacon in the silly time travel sub-genre, as well as the pub crawl sub-genre. It’s a self-contained knock-out that neither overstays its welcome nor overplays its hand. This film is a solidly good time, no two ways around it.

Closest comparison: It’s like Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure by way of The World’s End.

Setting: Adventure
Plot: Time Travel
Tone: Comedy

The Cloverfield Paradox (Netflix) - 3/5

This is a fun sci-fi disaster movie and wisely moves fast enough to keep the audience questions to a minimum. By avoiding specifics the plot is able to adopt a 'here's what's happening, just go with it' attitude that works well enough. Lots of fun sci-fi ideas, most of which have been done before. Like many disaster movies it suffers from character contrivances that put themselves in more danger than necessary, but if that doesn't bother you then you may really enjoy this one.