Billy Connolly

The Boondock Saints - 5/5

The message of this movie is direct and to the point, but its method of getting there twists and turns. The storytelling is some of the best I’ve seen, easily beating Pulp Fiction’s random chaos with the director Troy Duffy’s own carefully crafted character development. It’s crass and wild, but all with a laser-focused objective that it brings home with flying colors. It has a pan-genre soundtrack that will stick in your mind and excellent performances across the board, including Willem Dafoe as you’ve never seen him before (and hope to never see him again). Its combination of in-your-face style and attention to detail makes it easy to see why this became the cult classic that it is. Viewer discretion: extreme violence and language.

Closest Comparison: It’s like Scarface meets Pulp Fiction, but with a point.

Setting: Modern
Plot: Detective
Tone: Action