Ben Fransham

What We Do in the Shadows (2014) - 4/5

This is one of those breakout indie films that puts a director on the map. Taika Waititi’s humor shines through very strongly in this film, and it will absolutely hit audiences differently based on personal sense of humor. It’s dark and quirky, its runtime mostly comprised of jokes about vampires killing people; this is both its primary vice and its primary virtue. The narrative certainly rambles, as most mockumentaries do, but the charm of this movie is in its quirky characters and top-tier special effects despite its low budget. There’s a lot to like here, but its mileage will vary wildly from person to person; it’s a cult classic for a reason.

Closest comparison: It’s like Interview With A Vampire by way of Drop Dead Gorgeous.

Setting: Horror
Plot: Mockumentary
Tone: Dark Comedy