Anthony Zerbe

See No Evil, Hear No Evil - 3/5

This movie is a great concept and very funny for the most part, but has some serious missteps in the second act when one of the protagonists sexually molests the female antagonist. Other than that the movie is great.

Content warning: female nudity

Closest comparison: It’s like Lethal Weapon by way of Blazing Saddles.

Setting: On The Run
Plot: Buddy Cop
Tone: Comedy

Farewell, My Lovely - 2/5

This movie is mostly fine; not great, but fine. The noir elements come through strongly with the palpable setting and Robert Mitchum’s voiceover. Unfortunately most of the actors are phoning in their lines and the scenes all play out like everyone just wants to be done for the day. The plot is more of a procedural than a mystery, and the protagonist never adapts to the same thing happening to him over and again. Even if you like gritty noir, you can do much better than this.

Content warning: female nudity

Closest comparison: It’s like The Long Goodbye (1973) by way of The Big Sleep (1978).

Setting: Crime
Plot: Detective
Tone: Noir