Alex Garland

Ex Machina - 4/5

This is an intellectual sci-fi piece more interested in tense mood than meaningful dialog. Captivating acting keeps the audience riveted, and moments of gorgeous cinematography give breathing time in between the implication-heavy scenes. It’s more paranoid than profound, but it’s still fascinating in its own right.

Content warning: female nudity

Closest comparison: It’s like Jurassic Park by way of Moon.

Setting: Tech Sci-Fi
Plot: Existential Sci-Fi
Tone: Slow-burn thriller

Annihilation - 4/5

It starts out like Arrival, so I wasn’t expecting it to turn into a straight-up horror movie about half way through. That being said, I really enjoyed the ride. It’s beautiful to watch and riveting to think about, keeping its slow pace rich with engagement. It’s great an it’s clever, ambiguous in places but becoming more clear the more you think about it. Even the way the story jumps around is part of the narative iteself. The ending is pretty trippy and psychodelic, putting it squarely in the high concept sci-fi category, but if that’s your jam and you’re ok with the horror elements then definitely give it a watch.

Closest comparison: Arrival, then a Quite Place, then The Fountain