The Boneyard

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The 39 Steps - 3/5

Alfred Hitchcock knows how to weave a story, but here it seems like he’s just going through the motions. It’s fine enough, with some nice cinematography and a few fun bits of witty banter, but it lacks the life and excitement of many of his other films. There are too many plot conveniences, too many things that happen just the right way, and the ending is a mildly clumsy reveal, not the clever discovery one comes to expect from the Master of Suspense. Still, you could do a whole lot worse when it comes to the spy genre, and on the whole it’s pretty entertaining.

Closest Comparison: It’s like The Third Man but less pretentious and 14 years earlier.

Setting: Modern (1930’s)
Plot: Spy Thriller
Tone: Spy Thriller