
Tenet - 4/5

This movie is bonkers. It’s very good, but it has its flaws as well. Some of the dialog is difficult to understand and the film moves at a breakneck pace which leaves the audience and characters trying to keep up. Mostly you’re just going to have to accept what you’re seeing and analyze it on a second viewing, but surprisingly the movie doesn’t suffer for that and instead uses it to its advantage. If you’re willing to go along for the ride, it’s a fantastic film, and pairs with Memento as Nolan’s most daring and avant-garde films. This movie is intense and may be hard to wrap your mind around at first.

Closest comparison: It’s like Memento by way of Inception, wrapped in a cold war thriller.

Setting: Cold War Thriller / Romantic Drama / Sci-Fi War
Plot: Heist / Sci-Fi Action / Romantic Thriller
Tone: Pop Action / Slick Thriller / Romantic Tragedy