Omar Sharif

Lawrence of Arabia - 2/5

This is a very uneven film. Some of the cinematography is spectacular; some is mundane. Some of the actors are chewing the scenery; some are phoning it in. Some of the slow, desolate scenes convey a feeling of isolation; some are useless padding. It’s extremely long, to the point that fully half of the runtime could be cut out without significantly impacting the narrative, which is itself a crime against cinema. Even some of the action scenes are boring, which should just never happen. Instead of being taut, the script is practically obese.

Closest comparison: It’s like Patton with the pacing of 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Setting: Adventure
Plot: War
Tone: Drama

Top Secret! (1984) - 4/5

This screwball comedy hits a lot of the same notes as Airplane!, the previous film by the same director. It has the same deadpan visual gags, outlandish antics, and sprinkles of raunchy humor throughout that make Police Squad and the Naked Gun movies so beloved. The plot incorporates anachronisms that some viewers might fight distracting, but not nearly enough to account for its cultural obscurity. This movie is hilarious and a must-watch for fans of the director’s previous work.

Content warning: brief female nudity

Closest comparison: It’s like Airplane! by way of Spy Hard.

Setting: World War II
Plot: Espionage Thriller
Tone: Screwball Comedy