Charles Gray

The Mirror Crack'd (1980) - 4/5

This is a solid entry in the cozy mystery genre, albeit a little more edgy in a few places than your standard 1960’s BBC fare. It plays out like any other Agatha Christie story and although I can’t add much more without spoiling the mystery, I can safely say it’s one of the best Miss Marple mysteries I’ve seen.

Closest comparison: It’s like Sunset Boulevard by way of the BBC cozy mysteries.

Setting: Town Drama
Plot: Cozy Mystery
Tone: BBC TeleDrama

The Jigsaw Man (1983) - 2/5

This is a cold war thriller whose primary sin is being boring, which is a death knell to the genre. The plot is basically fine, a standard cold war espionage story, and the acting is fine, standard British fare of the era. There isn’t anything special about it, and I may have been unfortunate to recently review Funeral in Berlin but there’s nothing here that Funeral in Berlin didn’t do better.

Closest comparison: It’s like Face/Off made by the BBC.

Setting: Political Thriller
Plot: Political Thriller
Tone: Drama