Giorgia Whigham

The Punisher (Netflix, Season 2) - 3/5

There’s a lot to like here, but like all Netflix shows there’s 6 episodes of content stretched into 13 episodes. The action scenes are well executed, for the most part, but consistently fall into the trap of having the Punisher start each fight by getting beaten to within an inch of his life and then somehow rallying and taking everybody out so competently that it begs the question of how he got himself into this situation in the first place. It’s not as intellectually interesting as the first season so its main appeal will be for those who are invested in the character already. Overall it’s just too long with not enough to say, despite some great moments.

Closest comparison: It’s like John Wick meets Logan, but as a drier, drawn-out TV show.

Setting: Action
Plot: Vigilante
Tone: Crime