The Boneyard

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Joker (2019) - 3/5

This movie is equal parts depressing, energizing, and consistently though mildly intense. The acting and cinematography are excellent and constitute almost the entire reason so see the movie, but the writing, while not bad, isn’t great. It’s slow but not especially thoughtful, it’s sad but not particularly meaningful, it’s a villain’s origin story without a big sendoff ending (though it certainly does crescendo). Fans of the other renditions of the Joker will be disappointed that this version doesn’t seem to be having any fun, and fans of Batman won’t be rewarded with the tie-in they’re looking for. It’s explicitly apolitical, but like Black Panther leaves room for everyone to read into it what they want. Ultimately, it reads like an honest look at depressed mentally ill man, and as such it’s pretty good.

Content warning: mental illness, child abuse

Closest comparison: It’s like Inside Llewyn Davis crossed with 8 Mile to make a villain origin story with the pacing and tone of Ad Astra.

Setting: Family Tragedy
Plot: Decent into Madness
Tone: Arthouse Tragedy