The Boneyard

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Alita: Battle Angel - 3/5

There are lots of great part in this film, but it fumbles the ending. The action is a spectacle, giving the audience the roller coaster ride they were promised in the trailers. Christoph Waltz is great in everything and his performance here is no exception; his chemistry with Rosa Salazar carries the emotional core of the film. It has plenty of sci-fi weirdness, and if that aspect isn’t working for you it’s likely going to feel like it just keeps dragging on and on. For everyone else, though, it’s a fun action sci-fi that mostly makes sense.

Closest Comparison: It’s equal parts Blade Runner and The Fifth Element, with a dash of Rollerball and Real Steel thrown into the mix.

Setting: Sci-fi
Plot: Post-Apocalyptic Teen Fiction
Tone: Action