Movie Rating System
I grade movies on a bell curve. This means that about half all movies will get a 3/5 -- right in the middle. A film has to do something exceptionally good or bad to get above or below this mark.
A 3/5 is a movie that I would watch again if my friends are watching it, but I wouldn't go out of my way to see it again.
A 4/5 is a movie that I am excited to see again, and will go out of my way to do so.
A 5/5 is one of the all-time greats, and if you were to fix any minor flaws this movie may have would not make it a measurably better film.
A 2/5 is a movie that has some glaring flaws, and even my friends are watching it I wouldn't stick around for the whole thing.
A 1/5 is a movie so bad that I won't even be in the room while it's playing. If I'm hanging out with my friends and they start to watch it, I will leave; it's that bad.