The Boneyard

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O Brother, Where Art Thou? - 5/5

Arguably the Coen Brothers’ best film, this movie exhibits all the characteristics of the signature Coen Brothers style: humor by repetition, beautiful cinematography, a host of famous and quirk actors, and an impeccable soundtrack. Without the direct reference to the Odyssey it would probably have been seen as having too many seeming non-sequiturs, but as it is it’s perfectly matched to the ‘source’ material. It’s a hilarious movie and constantly plays coy with the idea that there may be supernatural elements in play. Immensely quotable, immediately classic, and unforgettably quirky, this movie is certainly a timeless masterpiece.

Closest Comparison: It’s what would happen if There Will Be Blood were funny and based on the Odyssey.

Setting: The Dustbowl South
Plot: Adventure
Tone: Comedy