The Boneyard

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Bone Tomahawk - 4/5

This movie is a moving tale of heroism in the face of extreme, brutal, gory, disturbing violence. It’s flawlessly executed and suitable viewing for almost no one. The pacing and dialogue ground the film in sober realism, which transitions from endearing quaintness to honest perseverance to grim determination throughout its course. Kurt Russell is outstanding and the entire case follows close behind, chewing the scenery the whole way. The resolution is more of a relief than a celebration, but if you can stomach the brutality it’s a very impressive film.

Content warnings: brief male and female nudity, extreme, brutal, gory, disturbing violence.

Closest comparison: It’s like The Searchers that turns into The Green Inferno.

Setting: Western
Plot: Rescue
Tone: Drama / Gorefest