The Boneyard

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Bird Box (Netflix) - 3/5

This movie is very intense and nerve-wracking, constantly reminding the audience of the peril the protagonists are in. The story is told in a brilliant way that simultaneously gives a sense of security for some characters and tension for others. I was afraid it was just going to be a rip-off of A Quiet Place, but it blazes its own path, having about as much in common with Dawn of the Dead as anything else. Outstanding performances all around and superb use of editing so the audience feels everything it does’t get to see on screen. But where A Quite Place has heart and love, Bird Box has harrowing tension, leaving the audience more exhausted than its plot and message warrant.

Editor’s Note: After rematching the film and doing some research, I found that many of the elements that seemed enigmatic and clever turned out to be simply occult symbolism with which I was unfamiliar. It’s still pretty well-made but this undercuts its impact significantly, as even moments of important character growth are neglected in favor of including occult ritual analogy.

Closest Comparison: It’s like a cross between A Quiet Place and The Happening.

Setting: Apocalyptic
Plot: Horror
Tone: Horror/Thriller